Get Your Thinking “Outside The Box”

If you already know you want to change your life – Congratulations! Having that realization and committing to do something about it are the first and most important steps to creating any change.

Now, you may want to focus on specific life changes, for example your physical health or your spiritual life. Or you may be looking for an approach that has you diving in and changing everything from the ground up!

However small or large the changes you want to make, though, we’ve found it’s best to start small. Changing our lives involves, among other things, breaking old, unhealthy habits and developing new and healthy ones. And that’s why we’re going to address habits first in this list of 5 easy ways to change your life:

1. Did you know it takes at least 30 days to break an old habit or develop a new one? This means that if you want to change your habits around anything from food and exercise to your mindset, you’re going to want to start with at most 1-2 habits at a time. This could be as easy as substituting a healthy bagged lunch for your weekly lunch run to McDonald’s, or wearing a rubber band around your wrist and snapping it lightly any time you find yourself thinking a habitual negative thought. Yes, this approach can seem to take forever. But you’ll be shocked at the huge results you get with even these small changes!

2. Have you ever used affirmations? Affirmations are powerful tools you can use to change your mindset. It can be as easy as repeating a simple mantra like, “I am creating a life of wealth and balance” to yourself regularly until you believe it. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you actually believe your affirmation when you start out – just repeating it to yourself over and over will eventually start changing your mind.

3.  Take a look at the people you’re spending your social time with. Are any of them excessively negative about their lives or the world as a whole? Do the people you hang out with support your dreams or seem to relish in giving you “a dose of reality?” We know it can be hard to do this, but if you’re hanging out with negative people you need to change friends. This may sound cold, but which is worse – cultivating friendships with healthy people or letting yourself be dragged down to someone else’s level again and again?

4. Challenge yourself on a regular basis. If you know you can run one mile easily, decide you’re going to run two today for a change. If you have a fear or public speaking start going to Toastmaster’s meetings. When we overcome the challenges we set for ourselves, we change our lives by widening our horizons and developing self-confidence.

5. Have you ever put any serious thoughts into your dreams? You know, the things you daydream about doing, someday, if everything comes together just right. Well, stop daydreaming and put together a plan to make one of those dreams happen! Again, changing your life involves doing several smaller things until they add up to big changes – and there is no bigger confidence boost in being able to say, “I did that!”

I think you see where we’re going here. When you decide to change your life you’re not going to just be able to wave a wand and have your changes appear overnight. You’re going to have to take a step by step process. But this process can be a lot of fun, and in the end you’ll be shocked at the changes you’ll be able to make!

For more information on what you can do to transform your life visit our web site by clicking here
