Humans, Hard-Wired For Fat

We Human’s today evolved from a species that lived in an environment in which food was not abundant.  We had to hunt and forage to find sustenance and it wasn’t always guaranteed.

Food that is cheap, abundant, tasty but lacking the correct nutrition that takes absolutely no physical effort to obtain has upset the balance we have within our bodies to be able to know how much of the Right foods to eat.  This balance within the body is the very existence of our beings.

In recent decades the population has bloated to a point that lean people are a minority.  Scientist are trying to figure out why and about all they have figured out is that there is no easy answer.  It is a combination of Biology, physiology, genetics, and environment, they all need to be counted to a certain degree.

In an environment of unprecedented food excess and a steady diet of pizza’s, doughnuts and hamburgers can trigger in some the same cravings as a drug addict.  Some people may think that is a lack of willpower or self control, these could be reasons but it is much more complicated than that.

As anyone who has battled obesity realizes, the battle is mental as much as physical.  Sadness, disgust, frustration, self-hatred and many other negative emotions accompany obesity.  Bad health encourages a bad frame of mind and a bad frame of mind causes illness and disease.

Even though people are hard-wired to enjoy rich, fatty foods, most are not addicted in the sense of becoming compulsive, or uncontrollable.

So what is behind all of the weight gain?  You will certainly be surprised when you find out and it is rather shocking.

Many people want to judge how a person looks or acts.  Their judgement is based on something in their life that is truth.  The issue is that one persons truth is not another persons truth and we have no idea what underlying, un-seen things cause someone to act a certain way or look a certain way.

Many people are heavy and not all of them over eat.  Biology does have a role to play and so do medications.  If we all had signs on that said, “I have diabetes”, “I have Crohns disease”, “I have a hole in my heart”……..but you see we don’t.  And so it is anyones guess as to why people act or look a certain way and that is what they do is guess.  And then that guess is passed to someone else that thinks it is fact and then it is spread from there and before you know it a group of people is standing in judgement of a single person that they put a label on.  And yet they have NO IDEA what is going on inside of that person.

We need to have some kind of understanding of what the person next to you may be.

Find out what we are all up against whene it comes to our weight.

click this link and find out how YOU are hard wired for fat


