Parent Support Groups

So many times in our busy world it can feel like you are alone.  It is important to feel supported in order to be effective. There are so many places you can go to get that support.  Church, community centers, friends and family, neighbors, YMCA, meet ups and many support groups have regular meetings in different locations.  If you feel a lack of support you need to get out there and check out what is available to you in your area.

Affirmations can make you feel more confident to get yourself out there so that you can find the support you need.  Starting with your own self will also prepare you to be open and receptive to the support.  Find a quiet place for reflection and repeat the following words or similar words, if you hear them repeated your mind will start to believe.

I am surrounded by a caring parent support group.

Everywhere I go, I run into people who are eager to offer their help. From the doctor’s office to the nearby playground, I can reap the wisdom of experienced parents. I feel blessed to have such a large selection of resources.

Parenting is challenging regardless of my child’s age. I also realize that every child truly is different. Yet, when I open myself up to other parents, I gain more than just knowledge; I gain friends.

Whenever I find myself facing a challenge, I am quick to speak up in order to find someone who has had a similar challenge. I listen to the advice of experienced parents and draw from their wisdom.

If I feel lonely or just want some company, I know who I can call. There are other parents waiting by the phone, wishing someone would invite them on an outing. I take the initiative to plan gatherings for other parents.

I am surrounded by a community that cares about my children and me. People who offer their advice are simply trying to prevent me from repeating some of their own mistakes. I value the input of others.

Fear and shame are absent from my heart because there are countless parents who have struggles just like mine. The more I search, the more I find that the struggles I experience are very common.

Today, I choose to embrace the caring support group available to me. I welcome others into my life and benefit from what they have to offer.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What keeps me from reaching out to other parents?

2. Who has helped me in the past that I can I talk to when I need support?

3. What do I have to offer to other parents?

Taking the time for your self, asking these questions will help you to move forward.  Click here to read more about life skills training.
