Staying Home and Raising the Children is Rewarding.



In these times it really is a privilege to be able to stay at home and raise the children.  This is something that Mom’s 50 years ago didn’t even think twice about.  Today it is a necessity due to economics to have both parents work outside of the home.

Many times all the working people want to do is be at home with their kids and raise them as they see fit.  And then the stay at home parents start to get bored and feel totally un-appreciated would like to go out and get paid for what they do.

It is our duty to raise children that are compatible with society and we would like our own values instilled as well.  When we give our children to others to raise we do give up some of ability to oversee what is actually instilled in our children.

If you have the privilege to have a quiet moment, take it and say this affirmation out loud and repeat it if necessary.

I delight in staying home with my children.

My choice to stay at home with my children is something I am proud of. Although draining at times, I am committed to doing the best job I can at raising my children.

My calling as a parent is to nurture my children socially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. For me, staying at home is the best way to fulfill that purpose. My life’s devotion is to foster a healthy home for my whole family.

I am grateful for the blessing that I have to spend my days watching my children flourish before my very eyes. I am present in my children’s lives to witness every new accomplishment. I celebrate their triumphs and help them overcome challenges.

Staying home gives me the opportunity to teach my children about life just the way I want to. I am able to pass on family ideologies and spiritual beliefs to secure their identity.

I appreciate my spouse’s support for my choice to stay home. My spouse works hard for me to have the privilege of staying home. While my spouse works hard outside of the home, I work hard at home to teach our children.

I am accountable for the time I have at home. My time is spent on educational activities and outings with the kids. I refrain from wasting time on idleness. The television, computer, and even household chores, fall second to taking care of my children.

Today, I celebrate my ability to stay home.

I am free from guilt about not having a full time job outside of the home because staying home with the children is a full time job of its own.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I ever feel guilty about staying home?

2. How can I maximize my time at home with my children?

3. Why do I love staying home with my children?

Reflecting on these questions will help you get a handle on where you are at.  Many times if we don’t get a handle on it, stay at home parents can start to feel a little resentful.  Taking care of kids is a full time job and I don’t believe I have ever heard a toddler tell their Mom or Dad how much they appreciate them, they are much more likely to pay you back for your patience with a tantrum. Click HERE to read about teaching your toddler about calmness.
