Looking forward to Spending Time With Your Family

So many times in our hectic world we get so stressed out that we really do forget that we look forward to spending time with out family.  Everyone is so busy and sometimes it seems like a chore to go to a baseball game or a recital. We need to take the time to remember that we are spending time with and supporting those that we love the most.  Take a deep breath and remind your self of a few things.  Affirmations are a great way to get back on track so say this to your self.

I look forward to spending time with my family.

Spending quality time with my family is just one of the ways I show them how much I love them. I seek opportunities to get away with my loved ones. The time we spend together is completely voluntary.

The time that I give my family is an investment in our relationship. More than money, time is the greatest gift I can give to a person. My loved ones benefit deeply from the time I give them.

I look forward to spending time with my family every day. When I get home from work, I make it a point to devote more time to my family than I do to the television because the people in my life are worth more than my entertainment.

On the weekend, I carve out time to devote to my family. Whether we are doing chores indoors or enjoying some downtime outside, our time together makes me rich. Simply being in each other’s company is enough to ensure a pleasant time.

I have a positive outlook on family time. Our time is marked by laughter, songs, games, and harmony. Peace is present in my home; therefore our time together is pleasant.

I look forward to the summer, when my children are out of school and we get to spend even more time together. The memories I make with my family during summer vacations will stay with my children for years to come.

Today, I choose to reignite my passion for my family by spending time with them. I look forward to making new memories with my loved ones.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Does my time spent with family feel forced or voluntary?

2. What can I do to improve the quality of the time I spend with my family?

3. How can I show my loved ones that I enjoy being around them?

Taking time out for this simple affirmation will get you on the right track and right frame of mind when spending time with your family. Life is stressful whether you work outside the home or not, Being happy is up to all of us as individuals. Find out more about happiness, don’t wait, CLICK HERE to find out more.


Having The Strength To Run A Successful Business And Care For A Family

Affirmations are a great way to feel good about what you do.  Running a business from home can be a challenge.  There isn’t anyone telling you what needs to be done and some family members may not put the importance on your business that you do and that is okay.  The main thing is that you stay strong and successful so that you can provide for your family.

Take a breath of fresh air and a quiet moment (if you can find it) and repeat this affirmation.  If you are feeling weak, it will give you strength, unsure? it will give you confidence.  Most of all believe in your self and do what you know needs to be done.

I have the strength to run a successful business from home while also caring for my children.

I am an amazing person who gets to enjoy the best of both worlds. Not only do I work my dream job, I also have the privilege of spending my days with my children.

Life can get hectic between kids, business, and home concerns, but I am able to balance it all with grace. I devote time to my children, take care of my home, serve my clients, and also take time out for myself.

Balance is the key to my success. I take life one day at a time. I keep an organized schedule to stay on track. Planning schedules is a mountain that I can surmount with ease.

As a parent, I spend quality time making memories with my children. I educate my kids through books, movies, outings, and hands-on experiences. I plan play dates for my children to socialize with other kids while I enjoy the company of my friends.

As a business owner, I separate my business from my home responsibilities. My children come first in everything I do. My clients know and respect that my family is my top priority. My business is booming because I am passionate about what I do.

There is never a dull moment around me. I feel blessed beyond measure, and I know that blessing is to be paid forward.

Today, I enjoy the fullness of my life. I take full advantage of every opportunity by eradicating idleness and I maximize the use of every moment.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I balance home life with business life?

2. Am I willing to ask for help when I feel overwhelmed?

3. What do I love most about my life as a work-at-home parent?

Just a few moments to get your head on squarely is all that most home business owners need to get through a hectic day or week.  Take that time for your self and you will find that you will be much more productive and that will leave more time to spend with your family.


Family Time Is My Treasure

The world is full of stress and we all need an escape from it.  Family time is the perfect time to be able to relax and enjoy the people you love and care about the most. Learn to relax and you will come to realize that

Family time is Your treasure.

Find a quiet spot and take some time to repeat to yourself how much you treasure your family time and how you feel energized after being together.

Maybe something like:

Each day, I set aside time to spend with my loved ones. Just as I make time for working, eating, and sleeping, I make time for my family. Jobs come and go, but the moments I spend with my family last forever.

I value any time I spend with my family. Whether I am able to spend long hours or only a few minutes daily, it is always a pleasure to spend it with my family.

By making time for my family, I am building a legacy of love and togetherness to pass on to my children. My actions make it clear to my family that they are important to me. My children have a healthy self-concept because they feel valued.

I feel refreshed after spending time with my family. I make the most of the time we spend together. I look for ways to make everyone laugh aloud and enjoy the time as much as I do.

Family time breaks up the monotony of everyday life. When I allow my loved ones the freedom to speak their hearts and have fun, I also feel free.

I refrain from complaining during family time by focusing on the positive. My uplifting words fall into the hearts of my children and help them feel good about themselves.

Today, I choose to connect and engage with my family in a positive way. I make time for us to be together.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is my favorite family activity?

2. How can I increase the amount of time my family enjoys together?

3. How can I improve the quality of my family’s time together?

Asking your self these questions will help you to gauge how much time the family does spend together and what types of things they enjoy.  Finding the “treasure” in family time is so simple, CLICK HERE to find out how you can get the spark back into your family time


Staying Home and Raising the Children is Rewarding.



In these times it really is a privilege to be able to stay at home and raise the children.  This is something that Mom’s 50 years ago didn’t even think twice about.  Today it is a necessity due to economics to have both parents work outside of the home.

Many times all the working people want to do is be at home with their kids and raise them as they see fit.  And then the stay at home parents start to get bored and feel totally un-appreciated would like to go out and get paid for what they do.

It is our duty to raise children that are compatible with society and we would like our own values instilled as well.  When we give our children to others to raise we do give up some of ability to oversee what is actually instilled in our children.

If you have the privilege to have a quiet moment, take it and say this affirmation out loud and repeat it if necessary.

I delight in staying home with my children.

My choice to stay at home with my children is something I am proud of. Although draining at times, I am committed to doing the best job I can at raising my children.

My calling as a parent is to nurture my children socially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. For me, staying at home is the best way to fulfill that purpose. My life’s devotion is to foster a healthy home for my whole family.

I am grateful for the blessing that I have to spend my days watching my children flourish before my very eyes. I am present in my children’s lives to witness every new accomplishment. I celebrate their triumphs and help them overcome challenges.

Staying home gives me the opportunity to teach my children about life just the way I want to. I am able to pass on family ideologies and spiritual beliefs to secure their identity.

I appreciate my spouse’s support for my choice to stay home. My spouse works hard for me to have the privilege of staying home. While my spouse works hard outside of the home, I work hard at home to teach our children.

I am accountable for the time I have at home. My time is spent on educational activities and outings with the kids. I refrain from wasting time on idleness. The television, computer, and even household chores, fall second to taking care of my children.

Today, I celebrate my ability to stay home.

I am free from guilt about not having a full time job outside of the home because staying home with the children is a full time job of its own.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. Do I ever feel guilty about staying home?

2. How can I maximize my time at home with my children?

3. Why do I love staying home with my children?

Reflecting on these questions will help you get a handle on where you are at.  Many times if we don’t get a handle on it, stay at home parents can start to feel a little resentful.  Taking care of kids is a full time job and I don’t believe I have ever heard a toddler tell their Mom or Dad how much they appreciate them, they are much more likely to pay you back for your patience with a tantrum. Click HERE to read about teaching your toddler about calmness.


Parent Support Groups

So many times in our busy world it can feel like you are alone.  It is important to feel supported in order to be effective. There are so many places you can go to get that support.  Church, community centers, friends and family, neighbors, YMCA, meet ups and many support groups have regular meetings in different locations.  If you feel a lack of support you need to get out there and check out what is available to you in your area.

Affirmations can make you feel more confident to get yourself out there so that you can find the support you need.  Starting with your own self will also prepare you to be open and receptive to the support.  Find a quiet place for reflection and repeat the following words or similar words, if you hear them repeated your mind will start to believe.

I am surrounded by a caring parent support group.

Everywhere I go, I run into people who are eager to offer their help. From the doctor’s office to the nearby playground, I can reap the wisdom of experienced parents. I feel blessed to have such a large selection of resources.

Parenting is challenging regardless of my child’s age. I also realize that every child truly is different. Yet, when I open myself up to other parents, I gain more than just knowledge; I gain friends.

Whenever I find myself facing a challenge, I am quick to speak up in order to find someone who has had a similar challenge. I listen to the advice of experienced parents and draw from their wisdom.

If I feel lonely or just want some company, I know who I can call. There are other parents waiting by the phone, wishing someone would invite them on an outing. I take the initiative to plan gatherings for other parents.

I am surrounded by a community that cares about my children and me. People who offer their advice are simply trying to prevent me from repeating some of their own mistakes. I value the input of others.

Fear and shame are absent from my heart because there are countless parents who have struggles just like mine. The more I search, the more I find that the struggles I experience are very common.

Today, I choose to embrace the caring support group available to me. I welcome others into my life and benefit from what they have to offer.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What keeps me from reaching out to other parents?

2. Who has helped me in the past that I can I talk to when I need support?

3. What do I have to offer to other parents?

Taking the time for your self, asking these questions will help you to move forward.  Click here to read more about life skills training.
