Increase your Longevity

Step Into Fitness

The shift towards longevity is a choice.

A choice to live a healthier lifestyle and make changes in food consumption.

Unfortunately in America today the obesity rate continues to increase at an alarming rate. Creating more illness and disease.

Fast food companies are setting the pace to have a record year. Economy is down and their food is cheap.

This is where the choice needs to be made.

The choice not to go through the fast food line. Head to the grocery store and spend some time in the produce department.

To make a choice to cut down on sugar and make healthy food choices.

To make a choice to Exercise and take care so that you can enjoy your life and be productive, live a quality life until the end.
That is what I call Longevity.

There are many studies that link exercise with longevity. The most recent study: “Extended Lifespan” came from Brigham and Womans Hospital in Boston. They set out to see if exercise had the ability to “modify” longevity.

What they found is that those that exercised regurlarly had a life span that was greater than the sedentary group at age 65 and beyond.

The study noted that even in the presence of heart disease and chronic illness that exercise had the ability to increase longevity.

Eating healthy along with an exercise program that includes resistance exercises and cardio is the best way to maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit and increase longevity.

When “dieters” were studied, one group modifying diet only the other group adding exercise to the diet. The group that added exercise lost twice the weight and kept it off.

Make a choice to get up, turn off the TV (unless it is an exercise program) and get moving.

Creating lean muscle mass is the best way to boost the metabolism, burn calories at a higher rate and release Endorphines into the body. It also sculpts and tones, increases bone mass, and burns more fat at a higher rate.

Not only will you look younger, leaner and more toned. You will Also increase you longevity.

See my article called Sick and eating by cliking here

And visit my blog about portions Size and Our size
