Our intentions are good. We know what things are bad for us so why is it that we smell a yummy cookie that we have to have it and we don’t stop at just one.
Was it the rough day at the office, the stress of bills, the kids bickering? Let’s find out.
“Health Magazine” asked some of the leading experts in the field questions about the unexpected reasons why so many people over eat or binge from time to time.
What we found out is that eating to much happens from time to time and the lack of will power is NOT to blame.
One of the main reasons that we feel the need to over eat is that we are not getting enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can actually cause metabolic changes that can actually create weight gain.
A lack of sleep is harmful because of two hormones that are affected when we don’t get our rest.
Leptin is the hormone that tells us we have had enough to eat.
Ghrelin is a hormone that triggers hunger.
When we dont get enough sleep there is an increase in Ghrelin and a decrease of Leptin. That is why when you don’t get enough sleep you are hungry and you eat until you are “stuffed” Getting enough sleep can stop the ugly cycle.
Not only that but not getting enough sleep can impair glucose metabolism and if that doesn’t change it can lead to type 2 Diabetes.
Stress in constant doese causes your body to pump out the hormone called Cortizol. Over time that Cortizol will boost your appetite and lead to eating to much. Cortizol and Insulin work together to boost our cravings for “comfort foods” that are high in fat, sugar and salt.
The Bad news is that Fat cells create Cortizol on their own so if you are over weight you are getting it double.
Cortizol and Insulin togetehr causes our bodies to store more “viseral fat” which puts us at risk for Heart Attack or Stroke.
Stress is the reason that people go off diets, even people who normally restrict their portions will over eat during stressful periods.
We are hunters and gatherers and there are certain things that seem to be written into our “DNA” (not really, they just SEEM to be). Back when our ancestors were foraging for every meal they welcomed finding foods that would give them a little more energy and pad their bones.
It’s not your lack of Willpower that is your failure, what it really stems from is our outdated survival mode. In fact, when you eat fatty foods your brain gets a signal from the body that it is satisfied and in addition to that creates a memory of that experience. That is why we crave certain foods, the memory.
What once helped Humans survive in small portions is now expanding our waistlines when we eat them in larger portions.
Click here to find out more about where those extra pounds come from
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